Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wat this is!? (Harri's take)


93 Miles is a blog written by 3 university student isolated from civilisation in The Dingo. We are all LaTrobe university students studying in Ben-Dingo, Victoria. It's a hole, i hate it here, i'd rather be back home in Burma, speaking Chinese, eating rice, stalking girls...don't ask why we're here, we were just rejected from Melbourne uni...(or in Harri's case, he completed a degree in Biomedicine, with Honours, shoved it back in Melb Uni's face, and took up Oral Health in the Dingo, from which he'll progress to master Dentistry). It never rains here...its crap. I can't even play golf here properly because there's no grass!! Just dirt!! And kangaroos...stupid creatures...For those who are wondering where that (Ben-dingo) is, it is 93 miles north of Melbourne. It's gonna be beautiful!! Trust me ~~ You probably know why this place is called 93 Miles now...or you have really bad English (like me...ESL FTW!!). W8...wat does FTW mean again???

Typed by Damian...no suprise, i should so charge him for this...frikken ESL students...shuld shoot them...not Harri tho, he's cool. 49 in English FTW!! :D

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