Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wat this is!? (Damian's take, i swear it should be the official take...)


93 Miles is a blog written by 3 university student isolated from civilisation in The Dingo. We are all LaTrobe university students studying in Ben-Dingo, Victoria. It's a hole, don't ask why we're here, we were just rejected from Melbourne uni...(or in Damian's case, he was too good for Melb Uni and chose to reject them). For those who are wondering where that (as in The Dingo, or if u prefer, The Hole) is, it is 93 miles north of Melbourne (civilisation!, food! people! life! friends???). You could probably guess why this blog is 93 Miles now huh? (unless you're retarded like Ken, but then that would be quite an achievement, one that would be recognised by the Guiness World Records and renowned throughout all the land...I'm such a good friend :D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Photo!