Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birth of a God !!


soooo...this is supposed to be an intro of me and stuff. Firstly, just want to clear up some things, the "wat this is" stuff in the prev post (ie: my post) is all true, and is the official "wat this is" of the blog.

But all things set aside, Ken's a great guy, i mean, this blog wouldnt be here without him, it was originally his idea...and he is the moderator...and does hav the power to block me...meh! ...yea... thats about all i have to say about him...the emo...great bbal player tho!

Oh yea, Harri wants me to intro him too bcuz he's lazy...typical Harri...always gettin me to do his work...AGAIN!!! i shuld so make more bets with him...he's still yet to finish studying our oral health slides...(oh yea, we're all doin dentistry...i guess that should be in the 'wat this is' too...meh). Harri's a great guy, greater than Ken. He's a Burmese stalker, infamous for his hidden stalking techniques. Is that disturbing?? hell no! not unless you're the girl sitting across the table from him...but that's another story!! Oh yea, great golfer too, nxt Tiger Woods...only Asian...with bad english...

Anyhoo enuff about Ken and Harri, they're boring anyway (great guys tho, excellent table tennis players too i might add). Now for the main attraction, ME!!

What can i say, im just the most perfect being. You see, God doesnt discriminate, he just makes special people that are completely perfect, with perfect insides and outisdes. The end product: Damian. People say i have a big ego, but i can't help it, it's just how i am...at times...at least here in the Dingo anyway...As mentioned bfor, im studying Dentistry here. My interests?? Transformers and Anime FTW!!! They dictate my life...people can never believe it when they see my bedroom (which is a spectacular sight i might add). Ill upload pics...one day...Oh yes other interests, luv the arts like music and art. Spend most of my free time playing piano or drawing anime/Transformers. Fav band is Muse, my goal is to learn all of their songs on piano!!

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