First thing I want to mention is I'm not a funny guy. So I prefer writing actual fact than random stuff. This is the first time I'm writing for the blog, mainly because of the massages that I have been received from audience. Most of the audience request me to answer: How 3 of us became a group?. To be honest, writing in the blog is not in my original plan. My main role for this blog is taking pictures and videos.
Well, first of all I would like to introduce myself and then I will try to answer the question. My name is Harrison and I came from Burma since I was 16. I don’t understand why people don’t like Burma or scared to visit Burma. Burma is a very good country. I know one of the reasons why people go to china or Japan is because they have good food there, Burma has lots of good food too, except they are not clean and not hygienic but you will get used to it. Another thing is that, it is a good place for the person who like playing paintball except Burmese paintball only has one colour “Red” which is going to come out from your body (I think they call it Blood which is Damian’s favourite juice). Sorry for about the digression!! I'm turning 19 and doing oral health science in this Foramen. This is my second year uni, I was in Melbourne uni doing biomedical science last year. One reason why I didn’t plan to write in this blog is because I'm an ESL student. My English is really bad, when I say it’s bad: “Trust me” it’s bad. About my personality This is the result from Dr Phil (personality) test on face book “Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes me a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken”. I really hate someone who lied to me no matter who you are. The things that I don’t like: I hate people play piano while I'm playing table tennis smell the smell of within 10m from my room. The things that I like: sleeping, cooking, eating, cleaning, sporting, stalking and musicing. Last thing about me is, I'm a Happy Go Lucky person and I like my surrounding to be cleaned. Btw, my favorite game is Tetris and sport is Golf and food is the prawn that I cooked and actor is 周星驰 (the guy from shao lin soccer) and cartoon character is Sasuke.
How we become a group? It is a very good question, as Damien mentioned, basically we all rejected from Melbourne uni and end up in this Hole. Everyone in this Hole is very nice and friendly except for Damien. Ken, Damien and I, have lots of things in common and we spend most of our time together in Ken’s room, e.g., study, facebooking, tetrising and etc. Ken and Damien are very good person but I'm not because I like to speak straight and say the truth, e.g., I said Sarah is fat because she is fat. (when she saw this she will get really bao nu =(angry) but remember nothing can deny the truth). Now I'm going to talk about the thing that 2 of us have in common and the other one doesn’t have. Damien and Ken like playing instruments where I like singing and good? at it. We are planning create a band. They are “bad” at English and I'm “good” at it. Me and Ken love “study” and love to finish our work 2 weeks before it due where Damien is opposite. Harri and Ken are Asian and Damien is white, ken said he is brown now because he has HB. Damien can’t understand “Pie” language. Most of you know the likeness quiz on facebook, ken is the highest on my friends list and I'm the highest on ken’s list 94%. All of us like to cook, people say our cooking is good just because they can’t cook. So we are call the Iron Chefs .We like to make smiling face on the teeth in the clinical prac. I hope this answer the question. If not how about this: I met ken on the first day in Bendigo and we become best friends. After 2 weeks later, we saw a lonely girl called Juliet/Daniella, she seem lonely and weird talking to her food, calling her green personal computer box “tomato” and silently whispering curses when she step on the kangaroos’ poo. After we met Daniella, we became good friends somehow. This is how we became a group. Is this more understandable? If not, put a comment, I will try to reply it as soon as possible.
Too hungry now…. Need to cook and eat~~
Sorry about the English~!! I tried my best already, this is the longest essay I have ever wrote by myself. My year 12 essay was only 600 words.